Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I think I'm here too

but I'm not really sure. Whatever happened last week took a lot out of me. The last few days I just plug along holding everything together--barely. I've been staying in the house with the air conditioning on, which sure has been helping. Today both the heat and humidity are much lower, so we've taken a chance and turned the A/C off and opened the windows to air out the house. I have an appt with my doctor for July 13, and hope he is agreeable to some allergy testing and maybe pulmonary function studies. I think I want to be assured that there would be no problems with the IV sedation for dental work. The tooth is acting up again to the point that the whole side of my face hurts.

But that didn't stop me going to the Ravenesque meeting at Dianne's last night. I'm afraid I wasn't very good company. Three of us were supposed to be driving out, and at the last minute the driver decided that she didn't want to drive in rain. David agreed to drive Rose Anne and I out, as we had no way of getting in touch with Rose Anne to let her know that arrangements had fallen apart, and she was already on her way to the meeting spot. The rain storm was a doozy, but didn't last long. There were power outages and problems with traffic lights. It took Rose Anne almost half an hour to drive down Assiniboine from the legislature to Main St.--and then 15 minutes to get from there to Fermor and Lagimodiere. ( enough said!!) In the end she agreed to drive to Steinbach and David was able to go back home. Rose Anne bought her car for $700 four years ago, and her mechanic in Dauphin has kept it running fairly well for her. Over time, the Ravenesque ladies have teased her about him, even asking how she pays him, but I found out last night that she actually had lived with him for almost 20 years, before he found someone else and they split up. Puts a whole different slant on things.

Been thinking about you Cathy and wondering how things are going at work. I know yesterday was your first day back and I think I can understand how you were feeling. Three years after I left Deer Lodge I had to go back for a meeting, and my stomach was just churning as I walked up to the door. Thank Goodness the meeting was in a room that was new construction and I had never been in before, so I was able to participate. Not fun, but a good chance for you to work on your acting skills. Please pass on our congratulations to Keri. I know this has always been a dream of hers.

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