Wednesday, June 8, 2022

One step forward-----

 Yesterday we were contacted by both the Geriatric Assessment Team, and Home Care Intake.  We have an appointment with Geriatric Assessment for May 16.  The Home Care lady said she would try to liaise and come at the same time.  If this can't be arranged, we have an appointment with her for the 20th.  I have no idea what may come out of all this, but it's, at least, the first step in the process.

Well, we talked about it, and, on Monday went back to Sobey's and bought 6 more chickens.  I now have 10 chickens in the freezer, and an older one thawing in the fridge.  Probably for tonight's supper, and cold meals for the next two days.  This morning, with an almost empty gas tank, I decided not to go out to the Lorette group this afternoon.  I'm not happy about it, but I have to be realistic

One good thing is that we have warmer weather, and can sit in the garden, even if I have to wear warmer clothes to do it. I find I'm content to just sit and enjoy the sun, rather than attempting to read, although the book and fancy reading sun glasses are with me--along with a drink, of course. However, my drink has been hot coffee the past couple of days, rather than something cold.

In the studio, I'm still making the zipper pouches.  I will be making two more of those, and plan to send a couple out to the Gallery in Selkirk, but keep the rest for the next craft sale in Lorette.  After that, I will machine quilt the three charity quilts I have ready for finishing, and that will be enough charity quilts for awhile.  Not that I don't have the scrap fabric to make them.  I also have lots of batting.  We were in Fabricland to buy zippers this week, and came across a 'buy one, get one" sale.  I bought a new membership, which was paid for with the zippers, and was leaving when I discovered huge packages of batting on sale for 50% off (regular $190.00 each).  I had been thinking, recently, that I should be looking for the batting, so it was happy surprise.  Bought two, and then had to get them home.  Laughingly I said I should never have to buy any again.  Famous last words?

Both our grass, and that on the boulevard have been cut, and the fellow said he would be back every week over the summer.  Even with the rain this spring, the grass looks a little parched, and has quite a few small bare patches.  But I know this is the shortest it's been in years.  Something to keep an eye on.

Time to go.  Lots planned for today, even if I know most will be forgotten when the sunshine calls in the backyard.

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