Saturday, October 22, 2022

If I thought Thursday was stressful, welcome to Friday!

 Thursday was cooking a stew, and running errands, while trying to find a few minutes to spend in the studio.  By evening, I was too exhausted to even shower, a rare occurrence.  Friday was also spent power cooking, this time the 2 lbs of ground turkey I had bought, thinking it was a bargain. I had spent time Thursday looking for recipes on the Internet for ground turkey, but not really fining any that would work for us.  So, I thought about it for awhile, and ended up making up my own recipe.  While I had originally been looking for two different approaches, I settled on meatballs.  Usually we make beef meatballs  all a certain weight (2 oz.) with the use of our scale.  This time I wanted smaller meatballs, as I thought they might be more versatile.  David finely minced onion, while I mixed in spices and a few breadcrumbs.  Along with the "usual suspects"--garlic, salt and pepper- I added Italian seasoning and cumin--both a common thread in the recipes I had read.  Then I used my 1 tbsp. coffee spoon to measure out the meatballs, but instead of rolling them in flour, I used pancake mix, also a suggestion from the internet. After browning off, they  were divided between two casserole dishes, one with Kikkoman Stir fry sauce added, (it had been in the pantry forever) and the other with Turkey gravy, and popped both in the even for about an hour.  We ended up with 9 good sized meals from $10 of turkey-pretty good, by my standards.

While I was doing this, David was preparing carrots for the largest pot of "pip and squeak" I've ever made.  We'll be eating it for days.  And-- while all this was going on, we were also doing the laundry.  It was about 3:00 when the cooking was finished, we had missed lunch, so put the veggies on to cook, too, and ate supper at 4:00.  

Neither of us did another constructive thing for the rest of the day--except having showers.  I'm still exhausted, and have no plans for doing anything more today.  There are some advantages to being old, although actual cobwebs still show up.  Deal with them tomorrow.

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