Thursday, December 22, 2022

Red Fox

 Strange title?  That's the colour of thread that I ordered that didn't come today, when the rest of the order arrived.  This is my gift to myself that will be paid for with the money I haven't yet received for the quilt that sold in the display in Morden in October or November.  I did get refunded for it, and she has promised to order it with her next order from the American manufacturer.  Knowing myself, I'll probably order it and half a dozen other brown shades, even if I rarely use brown.  Addiction is terrible.

Yesterday I went out to Lorette for our regular meeting, and I understand there will be one next week as well, although that's our anniversary and I'll have to think twice about going.  That trip out is a "big deal", as I have never before attended during  the winter, and I was going out there for a couple of years before Covid.  The roads were fine and the only hazard was the extreme cold, but I've found my new cape/serape is much warmer than expected, and I'm now convinced that I'll be able to wear it all winter.

When I arrived there were only two people there, Gail and my friend Liesje.  Liesje had crocheted me a 36" worry worm to use as a draft guard at my front door.  We named him "Peter", and he started on duty as soon as I got him home. 

Peter says "Hello"  and Peter on duty.  

This whole silliness is an example of the juvenile and sometimes risque humour these ladies sometime enjoy, but we have also discussed quite a few deeper subjects.  Death, especially of people we know, and the lifestyle and morality changes we've lived through, (at least one of the ladies went through a teenage pregnancy, and a couple of them have lived through divorce and/or widowhood.)  Since Lorette is in the Manitoba bible Belt, religion comes into discussions but not in any offensive way--it's just part of life and living in the area.

I was surprised to see Gail, as she and her friend "Laurie-from-Lorette" had been in an accident while in Winnipeg on Tuesday which totaled Laurie's car and left Gail in a lot of pain  (She refuses to see a Doctor.  I wouldn't be surprised if she has several cracked ribs)  By the end of the day there were six of us, including two ladies who haven't attended in quite awhile.

But now we head into two weeks of no outside commitments, other than Christmas dinner.  I have two ideas in mind for new pieces.  The "Divas", my fibreart support group, are planning another show, and this has put all sorts of creative ideas in my mind.  It's a good feeling.

So--on to Christmas, and anniversaries, and birthdays.  I wish my sisters were with me for each event, but know how important your families are to you, and how precious the events are to both of you.  Can we plan for pictures, if possible?  All my love to both of you and to the people in your life whom you love.

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