Thursday, December 29, 2022

We tried

 Things have been weird.  We did have plans, and tried to follow them.  We wanted to go to the bank.  For some reason the on-line banking has refused my password, and has told me that I need to go into the bank itself to speak to someone.  We went Tuesday, but , of course the bank was closed.  We went yesterday, but there were only two tellers, both new and barely trained, and a line out the door (really).  As it appeared that there was no-one who could help me, I went across the parking lot to Starbucks and bought myself some breakfast. Meanwhile David waited patiently to pay the bills, and found an assistant manager who was helping customers who didn't want cash.

Earlier, the boots I had ordered from The Bay arrived via Canada Post.  I was very excited but found that the laces, held by one of those special thingies that are often on waist ties of jackets.  They only expand so far when you push the end in, and these didn't open wide enough to get ones foot in.  This meant that we could mail them back, or we could go out to St. Vital Center and return them today to a spot where I might get other, better boots.  This did happen, and then there was the waiting line for a cashier.  While standing in line, across the aisle was a rack of "Vintage Sweaters".  They all looked as though they had been stored in a big bundle for about 10 years.  All sorts of "ugly" Christmas sweaters, for $32 each.  Yes, I bought one.  Came home and immediately put on a load of wash, so that I could wear my new "ugly" sweater when we went out.  I confess that I had chosen one of the least "ugly" ones--black with a string of two dimensional light made out of sequins.  I could have had big furry kittens on red, but chose one more appropriate for my age-snort!

Supper was at the Mongolian Buffet near by.  A very nice meal including a shared dessert.  Then we went gambling, and ended up staying too long. David did well.  I didn't.

Lately, I've been having trouble with my right shoulder. At times the pain interferes with my sleeping.  As well, getting ready for bed, I stubbed my toe and broke it ( yeah, the bruising and pains tells me it's broken.  Not the first broken toe on that foot.)  It was late and I was tired, so took two T3's, instead of my usual Tylenol 650's.  Neither worked well, and sleep wasn't going to happen easily.  By about 2;00 I was desperate, so got up and made myself some hot chocolate, which sometimes works.  By 4:00 I figured I should be okay with  ZZZ-Quil, and drifted off around 4:30.  Needless to say, I wasn't up until around noon.

David's sister was to left for New Zealand on Christmas Day.  Her flight was cancelled, and her travel agent was trying to get a new one, when Gail, who wasn't feeling well, tested herself and came up positive for Covid.  As well, her daughter, who has been in hospital lately, has also tested positive and has been moved into isolation.  No word yet on how all that is going to work out, but Gail still hopes to get to New Zealand at some point.

It's now 1:30, and earlier, I had decided to let today work out any way it wants to.  So, I feel like I need a nap.

Stay safe

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