Friday, December 2, 2022

What day did you say it was?

Yeah, it's been that sort of week. The last straw was when I tried to sign in here, and Google wouldn't recognize me.  All sorted out now though.  Had issues with earlier in the week, but those are not yet fully sorted out.  For some reason, they had me living in Winnipeg California. I'll maybe have to get on the phone to them again.  They've given me a "case number", so I shouldn't have to wait while they try out all of the strategies the previous techs have tried to use.

The two quilts now have their backings and battings cut to size, and both are ready to go to the long armer.  And let me tell you that was quite a chore, as I had to cut from a new package of batting--90" by 9 yds. and had been given very specific sizes for both the backing and the batting.  Today I spent a lot of time trying to get all of the left over scraps under control, all the while dealing with the laundry.

Earlier in the week, we did a lot of "power cooking".  Our big freezer was just about empty, and we made the decision to fill it.  We had a little bit more money in the bank this week, what with paying off the credit cards and LOC, so went out shopping, on Tuesday, for the purpose of buying meat, plus whatever add-ons might be needed to turn the meat into meals.  We sought out bargains in two different stores, and feel good about what we spent. 

Then we started cooking.

Didn't get finished cooking on Tuesday, so, on Wednesday, I stayed home from Lorette.  Even with two of us hustling, we didn't actually get the job finished until about 3:00.  Even then, we had two slow cookers going, and spent time in the evening portioning out meals and getting them in the freezer.

Yesterday, it was up early and get David across the city to DH.  I picked him up early, right after lunch, and we headed to Selkirk for the opening reception of the current show.  Not many people there, and most of them were Board members, so we had a good discussion about what we see in the future for the board, and what physical changes are needed in an effort to continuing to up-grade the building, and make things more readily available to the daily volunteers, many of whom are elderly.  Some of these suggestions will be taken to the Board meeting on Sunday, and will, hopefully dealt with in a more timely manner than we've been able to in the past.

And--of course--today was laundry, although I, too, got my Christmas dishes out.  We moved them to a lower shelf than last year and I was able to manage it mostly on my own..  But everything was finished by supper.  So, even with getting my days confused all day today, we've made some good progress this week, and have a feeling of accomplishment.  And I get to spend the evening knowing that I have one more day than I thought I had this weekend.  I see that Amazon Prime is advertising the new series "Three Pines'.  I so very much want to see this and will, even if I have to pay a one time premium to get it.

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