Friday, August 27, 2021

Down right cold here!

 Still, I have so few summer tops that I'm still wearing my heavier ones, so, at least for today, I look right in style.  Bill paying and grocery shopping this morning.  I had a very short shopping list, only about 7-8 items on it.  So why did the bill come to $159 and change?  But we did stock up on chicken breasts, pork chops and blue berries, all of which are now re-packaged and in the freezer.

Shortly after our getting home, it started to rain fairly heavily, and is supposed to last over night and into the morning.  Not so sure it's needed after all the rain in the past week or so, but maybe it will re-hydrate the soil enough to improve things for next year.

The grass has greened up and grown so much that David had to cut it this week, something that I don't think he's had to do for over a month.

David's hat has been sent back to Europe, and we have received a refund onto Paypal.  So, of course we spent time trying to find the ordering info again, and finally were able to  order the same hat in a much smaller size.  I sure hope it suits when it arrives, as I wouldn't want to go through that again, although the e-mails exchanged with Aziz in Germany, were friendly, helpful, and upbeat.

Little studio work this week, as I was concentrating on more "bread and butter" items.  The gift shop where I place items on commission is having a compete change over of stock this coming weekend, and I need to replace a bunch of stuff.  I doubt I'll have as much as I want, but I'll have something, so that will have to do.  And three more of the pieces I painted last month have now been used.  Good enough!

Early this week I tried something in the nature of an experiment.  I was sitting drinking tea after breakfast, and realized that I had just spent an hour reading a book in my nightie.  I remembered the phrase "Just Do it!"  and decided that the only way I was going to build my energy and catch up with things was to take the first step and start moving.  So I started, moving at a steady pace, getting dressed, cleaning up the kitchen, and writing  a "to do" list for the day. (Easy to do with my Bujo layout!) Not hurrying, and with planned breaks, and, at the end of the day, I found I had pretty well completed my list, was tired, but not sleepy, nor wanting a nap.  I've continued this all week, and am feeling much better, without the extreme fatigue I've been experiencing.  So either I have reached the stage of recovery where this was just the right time to start moving, or there is something to say about the old rule of physics that says that a body at rest tend to stay at rest and a moving body tends to continue moving.

And that completes my thought for the day!  Have a good weekend ladies, and stay safe.

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