Thursday, September 2, 2021

Time to write

 It's not that I have been too busy but instead, that one day leads into the next and then into the next and it seems as if it is the same stuff every day. That is why i enjoy reading your posts so much because you go out and do things haha! I am not even winning anything on my Lottery tickets - not even a free play and this is upsetting me! It is hard to realize that Sept has come and with it, all that is NOT done yet in the yard and all that will likely NOT get done in the yard. Very depressing thought but i shall not dwell on that. The night skies are brilliant in the early morning and I love to look up and observe what i can remember are constellations and their names. So much I have forgotten.  But here is Orion for sure, the sign of Winter for me. 

I spent an entire day on Monday making Candied Ginger. Harry pulled off a recipe from the Net and voila - it was my chore to produce it. Fortunately he sat and peeled and cut the ginger root for me but it was a long process to complete it. The end results are pleasantly good and i expect i shall be eating it for the next little while as in the end Harry could not chew it. But one has to take only so much at a time. It is good for your stomach though, but only in small quantities. Do either of you eat Ginger in any way - not just candied, but maybe in foods?

I have been trying to follow the Blue Bombers by reading on the WFP and so far they seem to be OK. Does Dave still follow the games Pati on the TV. I bet he would love to actually go to a live game, and I remember when he went with Loren way back when people could go out to games haha!.

September brings a month of many appointments for Harry as well as myself. Every week we have something booked but of importance to me is my visit to the Eye Surgeon on Sept 23 for the next examination pending possible Sx for my cataract. i am most anxious - in many ways - to proceed. And I have hopes that it may be done before the depths of Winter are upon us. Fortunately I am able to give my own eye drops if it comes to Sx- I shall never forget what we went through when Harry got both of his eyes done last year one after the other. it seemed i was giving him drops for months, and in reality i guess i was. 

Time to get on with the day. My early morning "self" time keeps getting shorter and shorter - I wonder what i could do to rectify this situation???   Soon Ontario will follow Manitoba in requiring a Covid Vaccination proof of sorts. I only have the paper i received from the PHU which apparently may be enough, along with Government ID. They keep mentioning the "code" to download onto your Smart phone to be used but for those of us who do not have a Smart phone it gets a bit more complicated. Take care XX 

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