Friday, August 26, 2022

Slowly getting back to "normal"

 David is being re-assessed for his CPAP.  (Hard to believe it's been 5 years since he got it)  They no longer do it in a sleep lab, but rather give you a special machine to use one night at home.  This machine measures everything--yes, everything.  David got a long assessment form in the mail, that was to be filled out and returned.  There were instructions to watch a video on the web site, and then he had to go into the clinic (at Misericordia) for what was to be an hour and a half class on setting up the machine.  I had to go to pick up my repaired hearing aid, just off Sterling Lyon freeway and route 90.  Got that, just his class was supposed to start, and then went to Tim Horton's at Wilkes and Waverley, with a book, prepared for a long wait.  (Hey, great news--Pumpkin Spice is back!  That means that it's back at Starbucks too!)  But the class ended quite quickly, and the lady at the clinic called me to let me know that David was waiting, for me.  So off I go.  I had never realized before yesterday how very close all these areas are actually together, in that end of the city.  I was in the car and had David in sight in less that 10 minutes.

Then, at bedtime, we had to set the equipment up.  Very glad they had included a step by step instruction book, complete with pictures, and that I had taken surface anatomy classes.  Wires, and buttons, and sensors. "N'uff said about that!

When I got up this morning, I found the whole device all packed up on the kitchen table, and the final report ( a check list) all filled out, with it. He's still asleep 3 1/2 hours later.

Laundry to do today, and tomorrow I volunteer at the gallery in Selkirk.  I had taken my name off the list of volunteers last fall, but when I was asked about it, while taking in my piece for the current exhibit, I told her that she could put me back on her "emergency list", in case someone doesn't show up.  ( All people displaying work are expected to volunteer at least once during the show) I got a call yesterday that she  had two entirely new (first time) volunteers, scheduled for tomorrow, and there is a big art event taking place on the street and the parking lot behind the building.  This means that the gallery is likely to be quite busy.  If David drives me out and picks me up later, I should manage okay.  But then, there is a Board meeting Sunday morning.  So I'll be out there again.

But I still find small bits of time to work in the studio.  Yesterday, we were both down there.  Loren remains confined to home with positive covid, although he's able to work remotely.  (Thank Goodness!)  So we decided to try moving the empty book case and chest on our own, by sliding them across the rug and floor with an old towel underneath.  It worked, and that end of the basement is now put back together, and looks wonderful.  Since so much crap was purged, the area looks neat and well kept--with one exception.  A low book case that David finished for me, when we lived in Edmonton, has not been purged.  Task for today, while I do the laundry.

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