Sunday, April 17, 2022


 Firstly, I want to wish each of you a happy Easter Sunday.  I hope you spend it with someone you love, especially if that someone is family.

I appears that mine may be spent shoveling snow with a good friend.  Except it was so cold last night that yesterday's heavy wet snow is probably solid ice today.  David, and to a lesser extent me, got up close and personal trying to shovel the car out of the driveway yesterday. At least he was dressed for it.  When he got stuck, and had fought with it for awhile, I ran the phone out to him to try to convince him to call for Road Side Assistance. After some discussion, we called, and they sent out a tow truck.  The car was almost to the street, which is well snow packed, but there was a car parked right at the foot of the driveway, getting in the way of an easy tow.  But the job got done.  Then, the young fellow broke up and shoveled the snow on the part of the driveway where the car had been, but then declined a tip!  Needless to say, David was finished for the day after his adventure.  Got him inside and snuggled up in his chair, ready for a nap.  Then I had to venture out to the grocery store, where he had been headed, before getting stuck.  Thankfully, the car had been parked on the street after being towed out, and I got away safely.  The part of the driveway closest to the garage, is still impassable, so the car stayed on the driveway, beside the house, for the night.

Gail and I are going for coffee this afternoon, and she promised to drop by with a jug of Ice Melt, before we left.  She also said that she would shovel the impassable part of the driveway.  We'll see how that works.

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