Sunday, September 26, 2021

Early Sunday morning

 Hello again...I have my coffee in front of me and hope to write a few words to you both. I miss the blog interaction but I also realize like myself this week, that we are all busy. It started with that darn election and my stubborness to stay up and watch the results on the CBC live streaming on the computer. I have never used this before and I guess i was both curious about the technology and also about the results. At 12:30 am i finally went to bed none the wiser about either aspects haha! The rain keeps coming and it really dampens one mood when it is a constant in our lives day and night. As well, monitoring the water levels outside and ensuring all is well with drainage etc. And then the power outages - Tuesday night it went out at 6 pm and did not come on again until the next morning. And it continued to rain so a bit of shoveling required outside. My annoyance is with the next door neighbour ( the fellow from Netherlands who came for a 3 week period to check his house) He placed his 2 downspout long black tubings along our fence between the properties so of course, since there is a slope down to our property, where do you think the water flowed??? Not once but twice since I had gone out and dangled over my fence and tried to push the ends of the tubings back onto his area a bit and he again moved them. So it was either on purpose or he did not realize what he was doing ( hard to believe) So on it went. And in meantime we dehydrate. We bought a 1/2 bushel of mac apples and 1/2 bushel of freshly dug potatoes at a local farm, and I saved some apples for eating and pies but the rest were dehydrated. And we dehydrated all the celery as well. it means the kitchen is a full and busy area and at some point one tires of the mess. 

On the bight side, i attended my eye appt on Thursday and pleased with results - i shall be slated for Sx for both eyes although my left eye is by far the worse. I filled in all the forms, and paid the excess $$ required by my choice for that which was not covered by OHIP, and was measured for the lenses. Then I was told that there is a slight delay in dates for Sx and it may be in Nov but most likely after Christmas. That's OK as I know it will happen and that was my greatest concern. On the way home we shopped and I foolishly went into the Giant Tiger store beside No frills, and looked for underwear which is on my wish list for ages. I realized with my dilated pupils that i could not read the packages and was desperate enough to beg for help from an attendant. She too had difficulty finding the size so I bit the bullet and bought one package of three to take home and assess. Fortunately for me they are perfect - so now to get back there and buy a few more packages and throw away all my other rags haha!

So today it is laundry day as I have not been able to get at it lately. My how it piles up even for just the two of us! I just put some bacon in the microwave and will treat myself to a nice breakfast before starting in. Hope all is well with you folks. And I hope this rain will stop. The forecast is promising. Take care

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