Monday, September 6, 2021

Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping.....

 ....into the future.  (Steve Miller Band)  I think I am starting to really understand those lyrics.  Everyday I start out intending to post to the blog and everyday finish up my work and just want to sit.  This morning I decided to do the opposite  I let Rodney's dogs out first thing, made breakfast and then went for the longest walk with Lucky (I am going to regret that later as the aches and pains set in) And now I am sitting with a cup of tea and blogging. 

 Rodney & Kristy went to his nephew's wedding this weekend so I was house and pet watching.  I was supposed to start Thursday night but he texted me and they were going to get away late so they would do the dogs that night and I could start in the morning.  The next morning I grabbed my phone as I left and when I got to Rodney's the dogs greeted me.  How did they get out?  Then I read my texts.  They didn't get away until 7am (it is now 7:20) and the dogs were out.  I didn't have to start until that night.  Oh well.  It was a beautiful morning to be out and about.  I went home and took Lucky for a walk.  Half way through the field to the west of us my shoe disintegrated.  I had to walk home barefoot and it was Cold!  

Other than that my life has been devoted to stewed tomato "junk", tomato sauce and beans and carrots.  I still have 1/2 a milk crate of carrots that I don't know what to do with.  Next up is salsa, but if Rrain doesn't give me back some of my jars she is not getting any.  I have no room in my freezer to add salsa.  I really want to get myself another dehydrator.  I want a good one, though, like I used to have. Not a cheap one that has no thermostat or air circulation.  I did get a manual pasta maker. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but as soon as the garden slows down I am going at it. The neighbour got a brand new fancy electric contraption that does everything for her. She just has to add the dough and pick the shape she wants. Which is why she sold me her old one. It is in immaculate condition.  Original box and instructions. 

 The Legion finally reopens tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept 7). It has been a long time.  You have to be fully vaccinated and wear a mask unless seated.  Jim starts hauling potatoes on Wednesday so he gets at least one visit to the legion. He is trying hauling again this year, since they are desperate for drivers, but if his back can't take it he will have to stop.  

I did get "The Madness of Crowds" finished.  It was almost scary in that I could see that happening in the world.  No more spoilers though, until you are both done it.  

Rrain told me she would need my help moving stuff today.  She has to close her studio since she no longer works there, and the place she was offered was flooded when the sewer the town was working on collapsed outside the building. She is just supposed to be getting a corner and a table, but it is a workspace (once repaired).  Meanwhile I will have rubber tubs of fabric in the spare bedroom.

So now to start my day by ignoring the dishes in the sink.  Have a great week.

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