Friday, September 10, 2021


 We voted today as well.  I looked up the location of the advance polling  station in my Sherlocks, and remembered the route from my cycling days.  However, since then a whole new community center has been built.  So we got there, but certainly took the long route.  Once inside there were long line-ups.  We finally got to our specific voting station and waited, and waited, and waited while the guy at the table did a whole bunch of paper work.  At one point a supervisor came to see what he was doing, but he told her that he was just in the middle of something and had it in his brain, and needed to finish it.  We were sitting about 6 feet in front of him, but he was oblivious.  Finally another staff person came and told him that people were waiting and had he finished yet.  He looked up and appeared very apologetic stating that he hadn't seen us.  But we got'er done.

Then off to Starbucks for our reward for voting.  We just took take out, but we saw one of the staff checking for vaccination status of a woman sitting at table.  This was a pleasant surprise, as the tables had been closed last time we were in.  Then home to a late lunch in the garden.  Some parts of the garden have certainly been attractive this year.

The Hydrangeas have been the best ever, although they came a little later than others in the neighbourhood.  These are the two on the right side of the house when viewed from the street.  In between is the tiny one that was just planted this year.  The one we bought last year didn't survive the winter, and we were quite concerned about this one as well.  Then David moved it from its first location and it seems to be coming along quite nicely.  We'll wait  to see what we have next spring, but I'm wondering if we should perhaps shroud it in burlap for the winter.

This is the large one on the left side of the door.  It came a few weeks before the others, but still puts on a good show.

This is a tiny  one under the front window, just to the right of the one above.  This is the first year it has bloomed.  Not a great show but a good effort.  I hope it comes along better now, as it's been here for a couple of years, without showing much growth at all.

Finally these Geraniums were in a small hanging basket.  It quickly became obvious that they need to be moved.  Once here they have grown and bloomed wonderfully.

But that's about it for our garden.  David looks after everything, and we've tried to create a space where he can work, but not to the point of exhaustion.  That worked for awhile, and then came the rain.  He now is cutting the grass weekly-something we hadn't planned on.  Still, being able to sit outside is quickly becoming a highlight of our day.

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