Sunday, September 26, 2021

I will never learn

 Despite my claims to the contrary I once again have a pot of tomatoes stewing on the stove.  I have no idea where I am going to store them.  This time I pureed a bunch of Romas and Italianos with pureed peppers, onions and garlic.  It should be good as a base for pasta sauces. (Yes, I know I have already put a batch of tomato sauce in the freezer)  The chunkier stewed tomatoes are great in soups and stews.  I will, however, be eating nothing but beans, carrots and stewed tomatoes all winter.  

Jim went to the windup party for the potato haulers yesterday.  Even though he "retired" half way through the season (His body just couldn't take it even though his mind was willing), they texted him yesterday to tell him it was on.  They provide it all.....Beef, buns and booze.  (I had toast and peanut butter).  

Our house has been invaded by mice.  We have caught 11 since Thursday night.  If we had more traps I bet we would catch more.  Disgusting!!  

Rrain is officially moving out of her house and into a different one.  It is a commercial building that her Dad owned on the main drag in Neepawa (no yard to speak of)  The apartment part is no bigger than her current place, but there is the studio at the front and a full basement.  The rent is higher, but she will have the space to paint and sew (She lost the use of the studio at her old job when she quit.) And utilities are included, which will help offset the rent.  But no bathtub😔

As soon as the tomatoes are stewed, and I can set them to cool I guess it is back outside to do more yard work.  With the weather so nice we don't really want to put away all the lawn furniture. And who wants to put up Christmas lights when it is warm..... wait until -30c.  The guy at the corner has been working on his Christmas display all month.  It is really something to see. He and the next yardsite south on the highway are amazing.  There are often cars parked on the edge of the highway to watch.  Somehow my little string of lights seems insignificant. Maybe we'll just put one of those lights that spread a picture on the wall of the house.

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