Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Am I awake yet?

 Since Saturday I seem to spend most of my time sleeping.  Get up, have breakfast, have a nap.  Lunch and a few minutes in the studio, and then a nap.  Supper and early to bed. Repeat.  I tried to work on Long Time Gone, but ran into a series of problems, mainly with the various checkerboards not matching when they were to be sewn together.  This is not easy to fix, but it was finally done.  Giving it a final iron before putting it away, I discovered another tiny area of checkerboards not matching.  Said "S---w it.  It will just stay that way.  Maybe if people notice it they won't notice the other areas that are a tiny bit wonky"

So now I have two quilt tops that need quilting, and I'm going to have someone else do them.  It will cost a bit, but I'm in no hurry and can slowly put the money away.  I'll have to buy backing for both, in any case.

But most of my time has been spent with David.  Yesterday we got a call that the forms for MPI were ready to be picked up.  They were very expensive, but we "bit the bullet" and paid it.  While at the clinic, we looked to see if the cape I had been looking at was still there but not so.  Eventually we bought a different one.  So I can't complain about having no money if we are spending it foolishly.  Still, I'm wanting to start looking a little more my age and less "raggety".  This cape is very lady-like and David says I look good in it.  So did the sales lady but I'm less inclined to believe her.

So David's papers are in, and we wait to see what the future holds.  We have copies, and access to all of the info.  So we're somewhat apprehensive, although we must always hope for the best.  I'll let you know what happens.

My fibre art support group will be coming to my house next month.  After agreeing to this ( I invited them) I was asked if it would be alright if they came in the afternoon instead of the evening.  The group leader said that, during the last meeting, everyone had agreed to afternoon meetings.  Today I was speaking with my friend Geesje, and she let slip that it was to accommodate me, but all of the ladies who live in the country are very much in favour of the change.  They travel long distances and would much prefer not to be driving at night.  So I have decided to be grateful and not upset at being the focus of the change.

All of the above has occurred over yesterday and today.  As well, David had a massage this afternoon, and I went along to the Timmy's across the parking lot of the Physio office.  I took a book, but most of my half hour alone was spent sipping coffee and looking out the window.  Tomorrow is out to Lorette again, but then there are two or three days with not much on the schedule.  Thursday I drive David to DH, and may just check out a sale at the local quilt shop (the one I rarely visit) to check out extra wide backings for the two quilts mentioned above, on my way home. Given our pace over the past few weeks, a couple of slow days will be a pleasant interlude.

But regardless, it looks like we need to consider wearing our masks again.  Please be safe ladies.

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