Sunday, November 6, 2022

Evening out

 Yesterday was our evening out, attending the Randy Bachman concert at Club Regent.  As we were both intending to have a drink, we took a cab, getting there a little early, but not much. As expected, the audience was full of people our age.  Unfortunately, David was sitting behind a tall guy who like to wave his arms in the air. I was next to a large woman and with the very small seats, we were literally "jammed" in.  I had been worried that the stories would just be a repeat of the ones we had heard the last time we had seen the show, but while he did repeat about 4 of them, he put a different  twist on them.  The new stories were about growing up in Winnipeg, and back stories behind albums such as "Wheatfield Soul". An emotional moment came when we found out that the song "She's Come Undone", was based on an actual person who took something strange at an after show party, had a seizure, was taken by ambulance immediately, and died a week later. It was interesting to see that, when talking about his time with The Guess Who, when there was singing of songs that had originally been sung by Burton Cummings, other band members did the vocals.  Probably a good idea.  I have to say that he looked a little "frail".  While he sat for  most of the concert, if he did get up and move, there was someone, from the band or out from off stage, quickly beside him. But, he is 79-the same age as David, as well as probably half the audience.

Today, David is off to buy a hand-held vacuum for the basement stairs, and probably a lot of more chores that we haven't identified yet.  I get to scrub out the bathroom.  I wonder if this is penance for enjoying ourselves a little too much last night?

Be safe and do something unusual this week.  H'mm, I wonder if  I could call cleaning the bathroom "something unusual"?

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