Saturday, November 5, 2022

very busy week?

 It seems as though we've been running all week trying to catch up with ourselves, but darned if I can figure out what was so important!  We did volunteer in the Selkirk Gallery on Wednesday.  It was one of the most interesting days I've had out there.  Another woman from the Board was with us, and her husband, also a Board member, was in and out all day.  She did a demonstration at 1:00 on painting on wine glasses, and there was a second, very interesting, demonstration a little later on wet felting. This was given by a fellow, a professional felter, who was at the last Board meeting and will likely become a member as soon as there is an opening.  Since David is no longer required to make up numbers ( a legal point in the Articles of Incorporation), he will likely resign at the next meeting.  The very best part of the day was in the quieter moments when this woman and I had several in depth conversations about art and artists.  Two more members of the Board showed up for the felting demonstration, and everyone stayed until closing for a good general getting to know one another.  It was very tiring, and we had to be up early Thursday to take David to Day Hospital. Then I spent the rest of the day in the studio, other than picking him up.

Friday, was an emotional day.  Amber and I arranged to meet at Starbucks for a face-to-face conversation, the first since the beginning of Covid.  David was there at the beginning, then went off to do errands, including grocery shopping, coming back later.  Amber and I took up a table there, with and without David, for 2 1/2 hours. It was a emotional conversation, but congenial, and we discussed several tricky issues.  We also agreed to meet again.

Since Friday is also laundry day, and the groceries had to be dealt with once we were home, by about 7:00 I was exhausted, more than I have been in months.  So a quiet evening, and early shower, and early to bed.  Tonight we will be going to the Randy Bachman concert at Club Regent.  We've decided to travel by cab, so we can both have a drink while we're there, since they conveniently have several bars inside the theater.

Next week should be quieter, but next Saturday is the craft sale out in Lorette, and I have reserved 1/2 a table.  I'll be sharing with a lady who sells fruitcake.  I bought one from her a couple of weeks ago and have been carefully brushing it with brandy and wrapping it up in cheesecloth, so it will be ready by Christmas--if it lasts that long.  I have a hunch it might be an idea to buy another one from her nest weekend.

The Covid numbers are still climbing quickly.  It's even more important that we keep safe-a snarky remark since I'm going to a concert this evening. But I'll be able to isolate until Wednesday, and, if worse comes to worst, nothing in my life is so important that I can't back out.

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