Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Winter cold

This year's winter cold is nasty.  If you are anywhere as sick as people are around here, you will make it much, much worse by trying to maintain normal levels of activity.  Please, please take care of yourself.

The studio is working well.  It's not arranged the same as when I was down there before, and I'm sure there will be "tweaking" periodically for awhile. With moving like this, I've lost track of some things, as well as putting things in different places.  When we moved the other way, I was able to take some pictures of every storage place in the studio I left behind.   When I need something, while not being able to do the stairs, I could show David where to look in the pictures.  That worked very well, but it's been four years, and I know I've lost track of things.  Can still find most things though.  I hurt my back during the move, and knowing we had a lot of cutting to do, I remembered that we had raised the table in the past to accommodate the work. David was distressed, saying that he had thrown out the piping we used to raise the table.  Not so!  The old girl knew exactly where it was along with the pieces of flooring we used to protect the floor from the piping.

The cutting is in preparation for making more charity quilts.  The Guild gave me 3 meters of extra wide batting, and I figure this means that I'm obligated to give them 5 small quilts.  I refuse to even attempt to make large ones.  So the stash reduction process continues.  I delivered two at the meeting last week.  I also took a Zip Loc bag full of beige hexies, basted and ready to go.  That disappeared almost before it hit the "touch'n'take" table. We had needed the laundry hamper that I was storing scraps in, for the new bedroom, so have cut most of the scraps into squares and strips. But, as you can see from the pictures in my last post, there is a heavy duty shelving unit full of fabric still left.

David is getting a little better every day.  His speech is still slurred, especially when he is tired, but things are looking up.

Today, my Tuesday Stitchers are coming.  I had forgotten all about it until Sunday evening.  So after all of the activity on the weekend, yesterday was clean-up and get ready for that.  I confess to being a bit lazy and I just used the Swiffer on the middle of the kitchen floor, instead of washing the whole thing.  Once they leave, we'll have a few errands to run, and maybe even eat supper out.  I think we've earned that treat.

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