Sunday, December 5, 2021

a Pleasant Sunday

Yesterday we were out to bottle the wine we had bought, when we last we visited the wine store. Unfortunately we were a couple of bottles short, and had to leave a little bit in the carboy.  Won't happen again. I had also missed 3 bottles when I was putting on the labels, but we can't do anything about that.  Then the afternoon was spent quilting the little "heart" quilt I've been working on.  It just needs binding, and that should be done tomorrow.

Today, I had signed up for a Zoom meeting with the same ladies as I Zoom with once a month, as part of the Facebook sketch group I have joined.  This was a gentle meeting where each of us worked on our own project, while conversing via Zoom. Well, I set up my studio for wet work, that is, I cleared the table, covered it with an old table cloth, and put down the Plexiglass I use as a palette.  I got out my acrylic paint, textile paint, and various stamping items, including a wine cork with a stiletto stuck in it as a handle, my cut sponge stamps, and other items for stamping.

Then I spent the hour working into the sketchbooks I started during my original sketchbook course at the beginning of Covid. And I stamped circles, carefully choosing which of the already started pictures in the books to augment.  What a nice way to spend time, with productivity as well as fellowship.

Following a quick clean-up, it was out the door to meet Gail for coffee, while David watched his football game.  Loren had called earlier in the day, and let David know that he would be at the game, having been given a ticket by a friend.  Given the weather, I don't know if that was a good thing or not.  I do know that Gail and I had a wonderful time at Starbucks, spending two hours there.  It was only when we noticed that it was getting dark outside that we figured we better move along.

Needless to say, supper was not a great thing.  I found out that I didn't have the fish in the fridge I was counting on, and by the time the game ended, David's pork was still half frozen.  But we carried on--regardless.

Nothing too much planned for the next week.  Depending on the weather, I may go out to Lorette again on Wednesday, for the craft group.  I also have tentative design for piece for an exhibit called "Joy".  I'm thinking of a child dancing in a gentle summer rain.  My problem is finding a picture of such a child, so that I can get the anatomy of a child correct.  If I Google it, I'm worried that the pornography police will  come to my door.

But, I'll deal with that tomorrow, as Scarlet O'Hara said.  But then look at what that did for her.  Be safe, ladies.

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