Sunday, September 25, 2022

More days of "hurry up and wait"

 More medical appointments and more of me trying to find time for social outings.  Sometimes I feel like saying "let's just go back to social isolation."  Spend time at home being bored?  Maybe not.  One upshot of these appointments is the legal need for the gerontologist who did the final assessment, to inform MPI of the results.  But she also told us that the mandate of MPI has changed and they now bend over backwards to keep people on the road.  Remember how Phyllis was restricted to only during certain hours of the day and no further than the grocery store or the library?  I don't remember whether it was a formal arrangement or not, but Uncle Clarence was not allowed to drive without Auntie Margaret in the vehicle with him.  And they drove all over Western Canada in their trips between Manitoba and B.C.  So we just wait and see how things shake out.   

But saying that doesn't make the emotional toll any easier to deal with.  Wednesday, after the final appointment (for now),  I went out to Lorette for the weekly Craft Group.  It turned out to be somewhat emotional as well, as two of the ladies discussed their experiences as teen-age single mothers.  But there was also a lot of laughter and even a couple of "dirty" jokes.  There are only 4, sometimes 5, of us. The day had been very much overcast with periodic rain.  As I was driving home, worrying about how David and I were going to deal with things, a tiny bit of sun peaked through the clouds and created a partial rainbow in the sky in front of me.  I immediately saw this as a "Sign" that everything was going to be fine.  Whatever happens, we'll be okay.  I immediately relaxed.  The stress was gone.

Friday, we went to Brunch with David's sister Gail. We went to a quieter restaurant, and David was able to join in the conversation, a great improvement over the previous brunch.  But, again, she insisted on paying.  However, she also agreed that we could pay next time.

Since then we putter along.  I've been planning meals to clean out the freezer as much as we can.  This results in some weird stuff, but tomorrow we roast another chicken.  The neighbour--the Gro-op neighbour--gave David a very unusual--to me--squash.  I've discussed it with my friend Gail, who grows and sells various squash, and she suggests that I just bake it as I would any other squash.  We'll try it with the chicken.  I should finish another 3 zipper bags later today, and then it will be back to the Frozen Sanctuary box.

So, the seasons change, we all grow old-er, and the days grow longer. Nothing any of us do or think can change any of that.  So, we need to find peace with whatever life holds, but most of all, we need to stay safe.  It's getting crazy out there again.

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