Friday, September 23, 2022

What a process!

 My computer wanted me to log in before I could access the blog and then it sent a verification to my email account, which wouldn't let me log in without the verification! I was finally able to log in by accessing my email on my phone.  I was able to save my tomatoes from the frost the other night, but the plants are not doing that great anyway  We have some warm weather coming up, which might help, but if there is danger of frost again I am just going to pick them all.  The deer are eating the apples as they fall from the tree.  they were too small this year to even bother trying to use them.  We got lots though.  Meat draw tonight.  I don't always go but since I am selling tickets tonight I guess I better show up.  We have been watching some of the curling on television.  There were so many team changes last spring that I have no idea which team is from where.  Mike McEwan is curling out of Ontario!  I am going to have to purge my wardrobe (makes it sound impressive!).  Most of my casual clothes are getting pretty ratty looking and the clothes I wore to work don't fit very well anymore (as well as looking pretty well worn)  I was hoping to buy something at Walmart when we were in Brandon but they were renovating the store and I had no idea where things had been moved to.  I guess it will have to be Giant Tiger or Red Apple.  They expanded our local Co-op hardware store too and now it is like a giant warehouse with 8 foot tall shelves.  We've been in twice for specific items and left empty handed both times.  We need to replace our bathroom taps and I have no idea where to find them.  I guess it will be Home Hardware ( which is also building a new store on the west side of town).  I read the news again yesterday and will do it again next week (Lucky me..... the farmer's supplement comes out then) That should be it for a while unless someone gets sick again.  I don't mind.  Especially since Rrain told me that if I need a break, or a drink or something I just sit quiet for about 5 seconds and then say I want a break.  They keep the camera and sound running but then she edits that part out.  The 5 seconds give her a spot to start the cut.  Love you guys💓

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