Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We are now three...

and here I sit with wine glass in hand raising a toast to "family and connectivity". But it is no ordinary wine glass, but my very own FWG (Family Wine Glass) What a great surprise to receive the box in the mail and discover my FMG so I pulled out the picture of the two of you toasting at the kitchen table at Cathy's and suddenly I felt "together". Now, Patty says she sent me hints about getting one but they must have gone right over my head as I was truly surprised and very pleased. Thank you! And thank goodness I had just bought another box of wine so I quickly popped the cork (ie opened the cardboard hole) and so here I am. I do have to put a cover over my glass though as we have been inundated with fruit flies as a result of the tomatoes etc on the table. I had a glass the other night and after a big sip, I looked into the glass and saw all sorts of flies floating around. So that glass went into the sink and ended my pleasure for the night haha We have little plastic containers set up with small holes in the lid and honeyed fruit inside that attract the flies - amazing how many accumulate inside the container - and then we dump them regularly outside. It helps a lot to try to manage the flies. Only one more container of tomatoes left to ripen so maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel? Today I bought a copy of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons book at Value Village - with a seniors discount it only cost 4.00. Since I saw the Davinci Code movie the other night I was interested in reading this book that actually preceeded the Davinci Code but with the same main character. I plan to start it tonight as I finished the current book I was reading called The Last Templar last night. Well, my glass is empty and I am tired so I shall say goodnight. Take care

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