Saturday, September 13, 2014

Interesting Day

but an adventure??  Maybe not.

Up early to go into Hakim Optical for a 10:00 appt.  I have not been happy with the glasses I got there three weeks ago, and had been in to speak to the optician, about a week ago, She then arranged a conference between herself, and optometrist, with me available if necessary, for today.  She evidently is an optometrist, but only working as an optician because--as she says--she much prefers the face-to-face customer work.  She has an obvious Eastern European accent, and I have to wonder if she may have had a problem with her license, but that was just a vague thought at the back of my mind.

After discussing the options available, given the problems I'm having, which appear to be with focal length, she got permission from the optometrist to alter the prescription, provided she first did a thorough focal length assessment.  So she brings out a big suitcase full of supplies and does the assessment in the middle of the store on a Saturday afternoon. The end result was that we purchased a third set of glasses with a focal length specific to my studio work.

Now, each step of this was a "hurry-up-and-wait" process, as the optometrist was seeing a steady stream of patients at the same time.  So we took a break and went to Tim's for food, and then stopped at a bedding store to check out a new winter comforter.  Ended up buying a duvet, but then ran out of time and had to head back to Hakim's.  Did more business there and back to buy a duvet cover.  Then came home and over to the church across the street so I could have a hot dog as it was "Children's Games and Hot  Dog Day".  Ate there and then home and into the house, only to realize that we hadn't gone back to Hakim's to pick up the paper work that was pending.  By this time, I had taken my diuretic , so David went back on his own, but the paper work wasn't ready, after all.

So it's now 2:00pm, and the real part of the day hasn't yet started. I'm "pooped".  But have yet to find a place in the freezer for a duvet and duvet cover.

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