Saturday, September 1, 2018

Good day/ Bad day

We all have them.  Some time you just drag yourself through the day, and other times you're really on top of your game and things go well. Certainly that ebb and flow influences the day the Woman in Red, and her sometime companion, the Man in Black, visit.  Living and spending a lot of time with another person teaches one how to deal with the bad days and work through them--until you both have a bad day at the same time.

Yesterday started with the Woman in Red showing her age and accompanying physical stresses.  Lots of pain, and could barely move. But, 'twas laundry day, which meant she had to get dressed before breakfast, so the first load could get started.

Now, one way of dealing with bad days is to follow a set routine.  Structure to the day helps to make sure no important task--such as taking medication--gets forgotten.  I don't get dressed before breakfast.  I eat, read the paper, and go to the computer with my first cup of tea.  Then I take my Metamucil before my second cup of tea, and them get dressed, so the day can start.  While at the computer, I check the blogs, check the e-mail, and respond or add something to my "to do" list.  Then I read the computer news, and then sign in to Candy Crush.  Candy Crush has been known to take 2-3 hours to deal with.  Well--yesterday was a horror.  My routine was off.  I was dressed before breakfast, that's when the Woman in Red showed up.  She screwed up everything she touched after that.

Eventually the laundry got done, and there was a quick trip to the library, in response to an e-mailing saying books were being held. Other than that, not much was accomplished, other than some time spent reading in the garden and fighting off ants. A chat with  the neighbour, and he and DAvid spent some time examining and discussing his new-to-him car.  I had bought some cherries on Wednesday.  They weren't very good, and needed to be used, so David suggested that we freeze them.  I told him we couldn't because they would need pitting first, and I had thrown out the cherry pitter quite some time ago. Then disaster.  A cherry pitter was found at the back of a drawer, and the job was started.  Didn't work worth a darn, but David used a knife and I used the pitter, and we got the job done.  Got them in the freezer and then pulled out 3/4 cup today to use in a Smoothie.  Quite nice. 

Then I looked up.  We had cleaned up quite well yesterday, but during the night, That Woman in Red had sprayed cherry juice all over the backsplash, all the the across the room, and right up under the cupboards in a far corner.

Reading the paper this morning, I found the obituary of Joyce Bridle.  She was the Mother of the Bridle Family that lived down the block from us on Maplewood.  I was a little older than the children, but I wondered if either of you might have interacted with them.  I certainly remember the oldest two- Charlie and Jimmy--being part of the gang of kids on the block.  According to the obituary there were 10 children in total.

And now time for the next step in my routine--reading the computer news, and then on to Candy Crush

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