Monday, February 18, 2019

Apple pie

Yesterday I made an apple pie - first in a long time and I quite enjoyed the treat. Harry buys apples and then realizes he cannot chew them so I get to do something with them - just like the bundles of ripe bananas he buys off the discount trays - then I have to use them up eg banana muffins or as with today when I plan to bake banana loaves ... Good job I like banana muffins and loaves.
Yesterday I had to do a switch with the heaters in the greenhouses - the night temperatures are really cold and the little greenhouse where the majority of the plants are got down to 32 F. Because I have to juggle only two outlets from the house, what I did was close down the big greenhouse for now, move the plants from there into the little greenhouse and moved the electric cord and heater from the big greenhouse to the little one. So there are now two heaters in there. Tricky, but I did it. It will not be a permanent change but for now at least the temp will remain higher overnight. 
At Mikes the other day I foolishly sliced the top on my left middle finger with the blender blade - nasty! A quick first aid and my insistence that a trip to ER was NOT going to happen, off we came back home. It was fun actually to be able to hold the bandaged middle finger up - just picture it and imagine my delight to be able to do that all the way home and get away with it...haha!
So another week folks - you are celebrating Louis Riel Day today and we are celebrating Family Day - whooppee! Hoping all is well as always....take care.

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