Thursday, February 21, 2019

Catching up

We went a little early to pick up my piece, on Tuesday evening.  I was able to see all of the art, and chat with a couple of the artists.  There was quite a snack buffet, still out, and we both took a dessert square.  A nice little treat.  But getting out of there, with my piece and the grids, was a challenge, with everyone trying to get out all at the same time.  We ended up leaving the grids in the car over night, as neither of us felt, in the least, like wrestling with them.  Thank Goodness, we didn't have to get them down the basement again, as they are normally stored in the garage. 

Yesterday was quieter, but we were still out, as we wanted to get gas, knowing I was heading out to Selkirk today.  Snow last night, but the highway wasn't too bad, and I only ran into one problem.  It's a divided highway and there was a big highway snowblower truck coming at me on the other side of the divided road.  He was blowing the snow into the median, but it was actually blowing right across the median, over my side of the highway, and into the fields.  It was like driving into the wall of a full white-out.  Thank Goodness I could see well enough ahead that I was prepared, and had slowed down, being grateful that there were no other cars near me.  But sitting through a busy meeting, driving both ways, and then having to deal with a fairly loud religious discussion while I was trying to relax over my coffee, has left me quite tired.  I'm glad I don't have to go out tonight, even if there isn't a lot on tv.

7:36pm  Well, David read an e-mail about an Artisans' Market this evening at the Gallery in Selkirk, and since he hadn't been out all day, off we went.  I was impressed at the market, as it was the very first one, although they plan to have them every third Thursday until fall.  But we didn't stay long, then turned around and came home.  As a result we are just now finishing supper.  I was really hungry. But there are still a few minutes to relax before bed.

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