Thursday, February 14, 2019

No sure what happened

Tuesday evening I had a bit of a melt down.  Turned into a withering ball of self pity.  Had trouble sleeping but finally had a glass of wine and fell asleep.  Woke up Wednesday and worked my a__ off while David was out getting the bulb changed on the car.  By the time he got home I was, again, wallowing in self pity and lashing out at everyone.  Spent the afternoon getting my hair done.  They did a wonderful job!  Paid with my credit card and immediately realized that I had used the small internet card I keep, instead of the other one, and the bill had put me over my credit limit.  Off to the bank and immediately put a payment on , using money I had earmarked for another purpose.  But that's yet another problem.  Then off to Starbuck's.  I was so upset and self involved that I couldn't settle to either my book or my coffee.  Driving home I was almost  in despair asking myself what the hell's wrong with me.  Then it struck me that I had started a prescribed 2 week stretch on Diclofenac on Sunday night.  One of the primary side effects, and one that the doctor has been carefully watching for, is depression.  I removed the rest of the pills from my dosette, and went out, and away from David, for the evening (Quilters' Guild meeting), for his sake more than mine.

Fell much better this morning.  Maybe a little of "name it and deal with it", but add the fact that I missed last evening's and this morning's dose.

Another thing, that had me going yesterday, was that David had taken the car in for a quote for repairing the scrape I got on the fender when I brushed against the house.  He had felt that it was fairly minor and we might be able to pay for it ourselves rather than going to Autopac.  Almost $2000.00.  This will have to go through Autopac, and it will mean a demerit on my license.  Since the car is registered in my name, it means our insurance goes up this spring, when it is renewed.  The funny side of it is that, when I called to report it, I was told that they were very busy with all of the accidents that happened this week as a result of the snowfall, and to call back in a few days, if the problem didn't affect the operation of the vehicle.

So now to face the day.  I haven't been in the studio for about 3 days ( another cause of depression??). Last night I was surprised to find that a class I had proposed for a retreat at the end of April has enough registrations to be a "go". Never thought that would happen!  I was also asked last night if I would prepare a short-10 minute presentation on"something" for the next meeting of the Guild.  There will be four of us, and they film it and show it, at the same time, so that everyone can see it and it only has to be done once.  It used to be done as a type of "round robin', so that it had to be done 4-6 times over an afternoon.  So both of those have to be well prepared for.  Looks like busy times for me.

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