Friday, October 15, 2021

Apples, Apples and more Apples....

 Sounds as if it should be a song but i am not singing about it. Yesterday Harry and I drove to Trout Creek Feed Store to buy some deer apples ....not for deer, but for making juice. We had made juice a few weeks ago with our tree apples on a new used machine and it worked wonderfully well and made some real nice juice. So why not make more....We did just that with the first bushel, after we got home with the apples - 2 bushels of Macs which were in perfect condition. But, for some reason the machine was not functioning as it had done previously. It made juice  after we put it through the cheesecloth  but also a thick saucy like substance that did not go through the cheesecloth.  So this was heated and put into jars as an apple sauce, and then the juice processed as well. Today we attempted the second bushel and same thing - the machine is not working right. So it was put aside and up came the dehydrator and we started to do the apples this way. We ended up with all sorts of apples left over so I have some in bowls in the fridge, and took about 1/3 bushel over to Daisy's for her granddaughter Michelle to use. She had phoned me the other day to ask how to make apple sauce and was thrilled to tell me today that it turned out great and she wanted to get more apples. So that solved one problem of too many apples. I still have to clean up the kitchen and the dehydrator will be running for a day or so and this always messes up the kitchen space.

Today I went out to clean up and tackled the grape vines that had grown up into the trees on our property as well as the neighbours trees. I pulled and tugged until they released from the branches but i was very careful not to break any tree branches. Those that would not budge, were left. But the thrill was that up on the ladder i spotted more clumps of ripe grapes that were missed when i originally picked them a few weeks ago. So picture me high up the ladder and eating grapes one by one and savouring the delightful flavour of each one as i popped it into my mouth. Wonderful.

Tomorrow morning at 9 am we have been invited to visit a local farm where they make all the jams that Harry has been buying all year, but where they feed not only deer, but also wild turkeys providing a sort of safe haven for them all. Harry has been fascinated with the wild turkeys and mentioned it to them so she wrote him today to come and meet the turkeys. Who says we do not have interesting activities and fun to fill our days haha!

Take care and be safe. Have a nice weekend...hope I win the lottery.

Time to put the animals to bed and then myself.

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