Thursday, October 21, 2021


That Penny/Clinton book has been on my "hold" list at the library since it was first released.  Number 152 on list, I think, but it was much higher when it first went on.  It's selling in Walmart now, but a bit pricey, besides we've bought so many books over the last couple of years that there's no more room on the bookshelves.  Our library is closing for renovations this weekend.  Out holds are now going elsewhere, and we have to pickup our books in Transcona for the next 6 months.

Attended the weekly Lorette Craft Group meeting yesterday.  Last time, one of the ladies had asked if I would take the "Cats" wall hanging that I had been working on, at the group, before Covid.   It's been hanging on the studio wall, in the actual work area, ever since it was finished 2-3 years ago.  Surprise! Gail bought it, on the spot. She is really only paying for the supplies, so I don't feel guilty starting another one with the second panel I have tucked away downstairs.  Since most of my work is with the machine, planning for work during these meetings is tricky, and it's nice to have a long term project.  But first there is the project that was started last weekend, for work to do while watching tv.  I'm sort of "pumped" about that one, and it turned out to be very portable.

At these meetings, some of the ladies take "treats".  This time it was an "Eatmore Bar slice"  Have either of you ever heard of it.  The other ladies were quite excited about seeing it, and I tried a small piece.  Very rich, but not all that much exciting.  Then she told us what was in it.  If memory serves there were 2 cups of chocolate chips, melted with a cup of peanut butter, a cup of corn syrup or molasses, sugar, a cup of oatmeal, and some chopped peanuts.  Not for me (thank Goodness). The other treat was 2 packages of mini "Oh Henry" bars.  I know that I'm going to have to take something soon, and am thinking of my Melting Moments.  They're usually well received, and I know I will be making some soon.  It'll be good to have someone else to eat them.

David is now up, and I can cook breakfast.  Today is a Starbucks Triple Stars day, and we plan to head out and get more ground coffee, though we'll wait until after noon, when we can get books from the Transcona library.  There is a Starbucks just across the street.

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