Friday, November 26, 2021

Busy but Friday again, and the Laundry

 Wednesday was spent wrestling, first with my EPP quilt, and then the sewing machine. The hand stitching on the quilt is finished.  Then Geesje asked me to cut off any knots on the back of it, so they wouldn't harm her long arm machine.  There was one knot for every single elongated hexie in the quilt which was 62 by 72 at that point.  Then I had to prepare a 3" border strip to attach, for a lot of technical reasons.  This meant that I had to stitch 3 parallel lines along the edge of the strip where I felt the quilting should stop and a binding attached.  But first I had to take the basting out of all the pieces along every edge and straighten the very edge flat, so the strips could be sewn on.  The actual hand stitched part actually finished as an octagon, so eight edges to prepare and eight strips to stitch in.  Then I have to cut the backing, and batting, to size, before packing it all up for Geesje to pick up sometime when she is in the city

I hit the wall about 5:00, when I realized that the machine needed to be cleaned and packed before taking it in Thursday morning for a 2 hour basic machine class.  Got'er done before supper.  There had been four classes included when I purchased the machine, only 2 of which relate to  the type of sewing I do, and this was the first.  There were five of us, and we all had similar, but not the same, machines. This help a lot during class.  The classes I will not take are on garment sewing and computerized machines.  Mine has a computer but not nearly complicated enough to take the class.  Or so I understand at this point.  Things may change, but that class isn't offered until the new year, so lots of time to register.  I'll know more following the next class in December,  the 23rd, I think.

Yesterday afternoon, David and I were out and decided to have supper out, then it was home, shower, and relax before bed.  Unfortunately neither of us slept well, breathing problems and headaches, and now David is downstairs checking out the furnace humidifier, for potential problems.  (p.s. He is now trying to change the filter)

Today is pretty well devoted to laundry, but that will also give me time to spend getting the sewing machine back set up, and even working on the quilt.

Beth, I've been watching Midsomer Murders for years, off and on, even before we moved to this house, I'm sure.  This year we have seen episodes from 2016, as well as episodes from much earlier.      (?1996?) If you have access to the actual season and episode you might be able to search for year one, but that may not even be available, now.  Good luck!  I may try the same search, but then, I'm quite comfortable with my Saturday evening rituals.  I have seen two Inspectors and about 7 sergeants, as well as watching their families grow up.  I also read the books.  There aren't many, and they are quite old, but I got them through the library.  Caroline something, but with a very special spelling of "Caroline".  It is mentioned in the credits following the actual episode.

So, now quiet downstairs, and I need to go and take water meter reading, as well as change the wash.  That means a water bill next month.  Wonderful--not!

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