Sunday, November 21, 2021


 I know people speak of TGIF, thanking God it's Friday, but this week we're doing something a little different.  Actually I should be looking forward to a TGIT as we have a 6:15am doctor's appointment tomorrow. Yesterday was a day I was looking forward to with both apprehension and fear. It was winter festival celebration in Selkirk.  Other years it has been very busy, in the Gallery, with all sorts of activities on both the street and in businesses along the street.  The first year it took $600, and a professional floor company to clean up the gallery floor following the event. This year it is being held on two consecutive Saturdays with all events taking place indoors, rather than closing the block for a full weekend.

So, the gallery was a bit of craziness.  They were hosting an event in which four easels are set up, along with the necessary water soluble  paint, and brushes and a plastic apron.  Every hour four people paid $5 each to paint a picture, on  a topic to be given at the time.  Such topics as a cat in a tutu, and a snake in pants. They had 30 minutes to paint and then the finished pictures were posted on-line.  Those present could select their favourite, at a cost of $1 per vote.  The winner from each session came back at 3:00 for a paint off.

At the same time, the current Gallery show was being taken down at 3:00.  The next show is being taken in and hung today. This meant that various artists were arriving with all sorts of packing materials in hand to pack and take home their work.  Gail is off in Lloydminster at a big craft market, and had asked David to pick and pack up her stuff, and then take it home with us for her to pick up on her way home later in the week.  So he drove me out and stayed for the whole day.  We bought lunch at Tim Horton's out there before going in to the Gallery.  The restaurant told us that they didn't start lunch service until 11:00 and couldn't give us the sandwiches we wanted.  A discussion with the shift leader meant we could get lunch items but nothing involving chicken. So we both settled for less than first choice.  David's sausage wrap was awful and he couldn't finish it, while I had a turkey sandwich, but in the fuss forgot to order it without tomato.  Tomato gets every thing soggy when it sits in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Early in the day, I spilled coffee all down the front of the white t-shirt I was wearing.  I went to the washroom and washed it out, and put it on wet, under my sweater.  It looked acceptable, but by the time I got home, it was still damp under the shoulders and down to the waist.  I was very glad that I had worn "the coat", and didn't get too cold and damp.

There were people in for the "Easel Wars", but not much traffic otherwise, although several people came in purposefully to buy from the Gift Shop.  One of the other volunteer had the app on his phone to test the vaccine status of visitors, as everyone had to be checked coming in the door.  My job was to man the Gift Shop, as I know how to use the computer for credit cards and Interac.  That little machine does everything but walk to dog!

About 3:40 I found out that we were to have been there an hour earlier than we were, and to stay until 5:00, rather than the 4:00 that I had told David.  Well, he had Gail's stuff and in the car, and was ready to go at 4:00, and I was afraid he would leave without me.

So dinner out to the casino, where I can get a very nice tossed salad with grilled chicken, which fits my diet very nicely.  Then a relaxing evening.  Today will be a slow relaxing day.  I would very much like to get down to the studio. According to my BuJo I haven't been there for a week.  Everyday household management seems to be taking all of my energy, and even then, things aren't getting done.  This isn't really how I would like to live my life, but can't see anything changing in the near future.  I think David would like to see me doing less for the Gallery, and I confess there were several hours this week devoted to Gallery work. But I do find it challenging and rewarding, especially when so much of it can be done electronically, at home.

No further snow here.  Here's hoping!

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