Sunday, November 21, 2021

No snow....yet

 Good morning,

It seems odd to be near the end of November and to be snow free. Oh, the small flakes have come but then went as quickly, and the rain comes, but no storms such as you folks have received. I just made a batch of cranberry muffins with cream cheese icing to take a tray over for tea at Daisy's this afternoon. The granddaughter Michelle, called yesterday to say it was her mother's Birthday and would we come for tea and cake? Harry does not attend these invitations but i always try to oblige best I can even when i would rather not. I have a card and I'll buy a Lottery ticket as I know Rhona likes that. Actually she would probably prefer a bottle of wine better, but that will not happen from!

I continue to care for my eye and although i can see much better there is still blurriness and I have a headache off and on. Not something I am used to...headaches, that is. 

My Keurig would not work this has been giving me messages for awhile now that I should clean it, but I have ignored them. I switched over to my Tassimo and it too would not accept the which point I felt desperate - I needed my fix and what could I do??? After some troubleshooting the Tassimo produced a cup of coffee. So I have just spent some time cleaning the Keurig. I just tried it and without moaning and groaning and spluttering, it gave me a nice hot full cup of the stuff. So far so good.

I have being enjoying my Christmas music playing, and have the player going almost all the time as I putter about doing odds and sods. I refuse to do any vacuuming as I was ordered NOT to do by the post op directives, and believe me, i am following those orders to the tee!  However, I needed to wash my hair in order to go visiting this afternoon and I devised a neat way to cover my eye and stick my head under the tap in the sink - not the greatest wash but a little curling iron before i go ,and all should be well.

Starting to gather up items for Christmas, and hopefully i shall get at that this week. Harry wants to do his annual Cookie Bake so that will also take some time and effort. We still prepare trays to take to both the kids. I take the car in on Wed for snow tires and hope that the snows do not decide to arrive before then. Not that snow tires solve all the winter driving issues, but they do help.

So now I shall finish my coffee, and get on with things. Hope all is well there. Chloe Birthday tomorrow, Mon and then Samantha's on Thurs. Many family birthdays in Nov. Take safe!

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