Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Sounds like winter is here for all of us.

 But it also sounds like we each greeted it in a different way. For now we stay at home, and just put in time, until something happens.  When we signed up for the snow clearing, we were told that they would be around today, to clear whatever was necessary.  Well, about noon, one guy showed up with a shovel.  I can't believe how quickly he cleared it all up.  David went out to chat with him, but that didn't slow him down.  He told us that he's been doing this for 20 years. In all fairness I have to admit that we knew they used shovels, rather than snow equipment.  As he was leaving he said "See you in  a couple of days".  Sure enough, watching the news tonight, the weather lady was talking about another storm rolling in, starting tonight.  It sounds like they will be providing good service, and we made a good decision.

But it also looks like we won't be going anywhere for a few days.  I had thought that Covid had left me with a willingness to amuse myself, for days, without going out anywhere, but I'm restless tonight.  If the weather is going to be as bad as predicted, I sure won't be heading out to Lorette, for the craft group, tomorrow.

Having missed an appointment Sunday, for delivering my Christmas items to the gift shop in Selkirk, I will have nothing in the Christmas sale, but still expect to have a couple of items in the gallery show for December.  They will be setting that up next week end, and both David and I will  be working for the full shift on Saturday.  This will also be in conjunction with a winter type festival in town, in which the gallery has an active presence.  I think it will be a zoo, and we'll both come home exhausted, if we even make it for the whole day.  David is going to assist one of the ladies take down and pack up Gail's items that have been in the November sale.  Since she won't be there, we'll have to bring her stuff home with us.  She left today for a full weekend sale in Lloydminster-driving through the storm that's on its way here.  She will be spending the night at a cousin's place in Saskatchewan, and then driving the rest of the way to Lloydminster tomorrow, for booth set-up on Thursday.  She's planning to sleep in her van while there, and then take two days afterwards to come home.  I worry about her.  She's not a young woman, and she'll be on her own.

David attempted to make his shortbread with the mixer again, and greatly slowed down the process.  The result wasn't bad.  It's not like the shortbread made the old way, but still tasty, and easy on the mouth.  That's all of the Christmas baking we have planned, as we're hoping to be able to go out for Christmas dinner again, although I've heard nothing about the place we usually go to.

That's it for news from Winnipeg.  How goes it with you two?

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