Sunday, January 16, 2022

And now it's Sunday

 How did that happen?  We still haven't been out, although I'm planning to meet Gail for coffee this afternoon.  We plan to  line up our cars in the parking lot to chat, rather than sit inside, as the weather is supposed to be fairly pleasant.  Life remains a roller-coaster.  I have slid back a bit the last couple of days, ending up sleeping and sitting in my chair under a quilt to watch my tv shows last evening.  David has been doing the cooking, and certainly helped with the laundry Friday, but, other than loading and unloading the dishwasher, not much house work has been done.

But, I've been reading.  I have discovered a new author--Anne Cleeland.  Not sure what all she has written, as so far, all I've been reading are British Police procedurals.  Fortunately, I discovered early that this series is best read in order, as one book leads into the next.  They are a quite humorous, as the two well-written, main characters married in haste, and are getting to know each other a bit more in each book.  They are both a little "bent", and somewhat tolerant of shady behaviour in each other, all carried out in proper British fashion.  This is the "Doyle and Acton", series, but when/if I can get hold of any others I'll take a good look at them.

Yesterday, I made the decision to withdraw from the Gallery show I'm supposed to be in for May.  It has been scheduled and cancelled twice in the past, and is looking a little shaky again.  I have no new pieces, and the stress of trying to produce some weighs on me.  I have moved on to new things. I'm able to exhibit for 3 months of the year in the "All Members' Shows", and that works for me--for now.

Well, it's after 11:00, and I'm still in my nightie.  My plan for the day is to do as little as possible, before my outing, in hopes that the outing won't be too much for me.  We cooked a couple of chicken breasts last night, and there is enough for supper tonight, and there are always frozen French Fries. So, no stress there.  I e-mailed Loren late yesterday asking how he's doing, but have not yet heard back, but I'll let you know when I hear.

The newspaper this morning had an article talking about how our future will likely hold regular emerging Covid variants, and that we need to prepare for that.  Whoopee!  Stay safe ladies.

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