Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Variable temps

 Good morning folks, and hoping that we are all feeling OK today and wishing us all well.

I checked all of our weathers on the net as i do most mornings and see such a variance it is hard to judge just what is going on.  I am really cold here this morning but then Wpg shows the same cold temps although Neepawa seems better. I guess we just go with the flow and take what we get. Although truth be told I would much rather the milder temps ...thank you.

Our new vehicle delivery was delayed and I have no idea when we might get the call but I know the dealership was going to cancel our last payment that was due this week on the old lease, and so now I am a bit mixed up related to money and accounts. i have to go according to what i was told and judge accordingly. But that sometimes messes things up royally.

Harry bought those huge bales of planting soil the other day and has moved them from the trunk to the greenhouse. And I know what is next....cords out and heaters on! Here we go...

I have been doing a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table and seem to be enjoying the time to sit and puzzle with the puzzle. if all goes well i shall finish it today. There was a time way back that we did puzzles a lot and it was something that I enjoyed although frustrating at times, the excitement of fitting a piece is very satisfying. In my case, I have several cats that think they are to help me with the pieces - gets hectic but I am also happy for the company.  I have also taken a stab at finding my studio again which was taken over by piles of this and that. There is so much i would like to do.

So for now I shall finish my coffee and breakfast and my time at the computer and get on with the day. i must walk up to the Lottery store sometime today to purchase my tickets - cannot go without my dream of winning big haha!

Bye for now...take care all. ☺❤

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