Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The McGraths

 I don't know much.  I believe it was great-great Grandpa Patrick McGrath who was here in the 1850's, living in Port Hope, ON, who may have been the first to arrive--but I could be wrong.  I would be interested in anything you can find out.  I believe that there are still McGraths in Port Hope.  Any anecdotal info that I remember was much more about the Wastle side of the family.  When I was young, Dad still communicated with the Wastles that lived in Oak Bluff, as well as some who lived in Transcona.  When Amber was about 5, (1977-1978) she and I attended a Wastle/McGrath family reunion that took place in Oak Bluff.  I wonder if there might be any museum in Oak Bluff that might contain records of that, or even a library with newspapers from that time, as I'm sure there were articles in the community papers.

All quiet, (and boring) in this house.  We're both still taking it somewhat easy, and my back problems have made themselves known today.  That sure slows me down.  But it has eased off now, and I don't expect to have any trouble sleeping tonight, especially when I have T3's, should they be needed.  Bill paying and grocery shopping tomorrow.  I have to plan the excursion to minimize the physical demands.  It's just not worth it to push ourselves too much.  Generally, my big event for the day is my phone call with Gail, when we discuss the most bizarre things.  Today it was the pitfalls and strengths of statistics.  Yesterday it was the origins, and integrity of abstract art.  But the outcomes are sometimes more than the actual discussion.  We will argue statistics again, as we couldn't agree to disagree, but the discussion of abstract art has lead to an agreement to plan a "play day" with using acrylic inks for making mono-prints, in the near future.

So we "hunker down", and make plans, and endure the cold and the snow.  And everybody gains weight, just as we did at the beginning of this pandemic.

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