Friday, January 28, 2022

idling my life away

 Still spending most of the day sitting in the kitchen, and either amusing myself with Facebook or watching videos on UTube.  I've given this a lot of thought, and acknowledge that I'm taking my cues from my body, and that's just fine.  But then that niggling thought comes to mind, that my body won't improve if I don't give it a bit of a push, so maybe it's time to push a bit.

A pleasant surprise on Thursday.  A small package in the mail that turned out to be a prize I had won at the latest Manitoba Prairie Quilters meeting.  Evidently there was a draw, everybody on the membership list had their name in, and my name was drawn.  I haven't attended a meeting in three years, and have no desire to, although the charity quilts I make all end up going to the Guild charity. It was four 1/4m pieces of good quality fabric, in very bright, almost glaring, colours.  David and I had a giggle and then wondered what I might do with them.  The only reasonable idea was to make another charity quilt.

Grocery shopping has been done.  We bought lots of chicken breasts, and cooked extra last evening, so that David can make chicken vegetable soup tomorrow.  Today we turned a lot of hamburger into patties and meatloaf for the freezer.  I think maybe our intensions were greater than our energy, but the job got done.  The laundry has also been done today, mainly through David's efforts. I feel guilty, but just don't have the energy to do much of anything.

Don't know if I mentioned it, but a couple of weeks ago, I took a five day mini-workshop off the internet.  It involved painting on fabric to be embroidered.  I have done the painting, and spent most of the last week figuring out what to do next.  Well, I got out a very small embroidery frame, and have asked David to get out my very old floor frame that has been in storage for years.  I'm almost excited about working on this.  I'm wondering if, in my diminishing physical strength, I'm reverting to my first love.  And that's just fine too.

So we struggle on, and wish for a return to "normal", but recognize that we have a pretty good life, and should appreciate it.  And now to eat supper, that was cooked mainly by David.  I think he's earned a healthy drink this evening.

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