Sunday, July 10, 2022

And just like that, it's fixed

 I have no idea what was so screw-y about my computer but today, everything is sort of back to normal.  I have all of my pictures, but have to identify them by jpeg number, unless I give them a specific name.  I'll have to spend some time going through, culling, and re-naming all of the hundreds, that have always only been pictures. So, here are my "stair lift" pictures.

We've been playing with it since Friday and it appears to be working beautifully.  And--you notice that David can still store his boots on the half-wall. There are two remotes, one hanging on the wall at the bottom, and the other hanging on the coatrack at the top, but the seat is also run with buttons on the handles.  while the picture shows the seat flat against a wall, the seat also swivels at the top of the stairs so one can get out safely.

However, the basement is still all topsy-turvy, and Loren is now quite ill, so we'll have to wait until he feels better before re-organizing things. He's at home, but has tested positive for Covid19.  Since we were in close contact Friday evening, both David and I tested ourselves this morning and are negative, but I think the current thinking is that we should still isolate for 4-5 days.  This was the first time we used the home tests we were given, and I tested David first, and was maybe a little heavy handed, but it is basically an easy test to use.

David and I have sort of settled into an evening routine.  He watches football games and I watch Midsomer Murders.  I'm now up to season 10, and once in awhile something may look a little familiar, but I expect to get quite a bit further before I find well-watched episodes.

Last week I bought new sheets for my bed.  Because of  the 18" mattress thickness, the only sheets available were bamboo.  After washing them the feel was quite alien, almost silky and slither-y.  Now sleeping on them, I love them.  They are very light weight, but also a little warmer than the cotton sheets I was using.  If they weren't so expensive I would run out and get two sets for each bed, but that'll only happen when I win a lottery.  Won $5 last night, best win in weeks.

Despite our busy days last week. we have nothing scheduled for the coming week.  My fibre art group are going to be meeting in person on Wednesday evening.  I have really mixed feeling about this, and may not choose to go.  I have not driven at night in 2-3 years, and wasn't that comfortable with it then.  The previous, younger me says that this just means I should be looking at this as an opportunity to practice, and the present me says that this may be a normal part of aging. We'll have to see how it goes.  I know I won't be going if it's raining.

So, for now, all I can say is "Be Safe Ladies"

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