Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Yes, I am still here

 And of course, lounging outside in the sun, and drinking and lazing about... Nice try Pati. I know both of you, like me, are not engaging in such idle activity...after all, we are people of action...haha!

The weather is finally helping out with lower temps and less humidity to allow some comfort again. I had to cut the grass and trim and clean up yesterday as the visible ground/grass was looking terrible from the perspective of the other yards. But I enjoyed it..I have always liked to get out and to putter. Now, I may have to water as the expected rain did not materialize last night. Things are growing wildly right now. So, I know how Dave feels to be out and work in the yard. I know Cathy also likes to do this. It is rewarding.

I am slightly hampered though by the neighbours being next door still. We tend not to walk at the back as they are often in the yard and sitting out on their patio. We are not being rude, but only wish not to disturb their time here. Maybe they see it as being so, but they have an agenda, are often off each day exploring and then he posts the visits with pictures etc on the facebook. So we actually know where they have been haha! 

And yes, it is starting to get scary out there as we hear of the statistics. But no one is wearing masks around here in the stores ( I am, by the way and often get a funny look).

Well, the house is awakening. Time to get on with the day i guess. take care...and keep safe. Nice to hear from you both as always ..😉

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