Thursday, June 11, 2015

Crazy few days...

... and it could tell a really weird story if it weren't me that lived through it. Harry was the highest bidder on a few lots of coins at Midland Coin Auction that ended Sunday night. So Tuesday we drove to Midland to pick them up. It is a nice drive through some gorgeous scenery but never the less a long one especially when we stop in Huntsville on way back to go to the ReStore and Canadian Tire. The lots of pennies turned out to be a bust - very few worth keeping. So the pennies were wrapped , labelled (have to write your account number on each) and boxed up. Total of 283 rolls which had to be put into three separate bags because of the weight of so many rolls of pennies. And then Wednesday I took them into the bank to exchange for cash. Fortunately they were not too busy so were able to serve me. I am always prepared with them all wrapped into 10 rolls each with elastic bands as they have to be for accurate counting.
This was yesterday when - if you were following our news, we were under a tornado warning and advised to watch the weather carefully and take cover. The new provincial warning system was implemented for the first time and every few minutes on the radio and TV the news flash came on complete with a siren to announce the communication.  I was prepared - planned to go downstairs and put animals in the bathroom and I was going under the stairs. I had the box of all the important papers ready to take down and my purse was packed with medications, bank books, and flashlights and my cell phone charger.  By about 4 pm they downgraded  the warning in our area to a watch, and by about 6 pm they called our area clear of danger although further South around Lindsay they were still warning. As it turned out there were severe thunderstorms everywhere but no active tornadoes touched down. But it gave for a real scary day for me wondering what was to happen and what one would do if the tornado did hit us.
To add to the days anxiety I told you both that our Server was transitioning to the new owner Bell Aliant overnight Tuesday to Wednesday morning and so when I got up early Wednesday morning, I had to implement the changes for both Harry and myself hoping and praying that I could follow the instructions the Server sent to us by email. It seemed to work as we can get messages but still have a few concerns for which I may have to call the techs about.  It was all too much don't you think? So I took a few minutes time and did some more sewing on my Hexi table topper. I am happy with how it its coming. But seeing your gorgeous pink knitting bag completed was great Pati. It is really lovely how you have put it together. Anxious to see the geese quilt complete. I only have about ten little geeses made so far, but its a start right!
Well, time for bed. Hope all is well with you folks. Take care.

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