Friday, May 20, 2022

No infuser, but a bit more energy would help

 Good morning, I have had a cold for days now and tiring of the feeling and lack of energy but still having to produce regardless. A nice 24 hours alone to recover would be helpful ...maybe.. haha!

Rainy again here but I should not complain compared to your persistent poor weather there. But yesterday was nice so outside work prevailed. That is, after i had the car to the Garage for oil change and tire change. Worst part of that is the manager told me that they had to discard the four winter tires as the tread was totally worn. This means I look forward to buying four new winter tires in the Fall. i will have to look out for the usual tire sales.  The nice part of going to the garage though was that i was able to read in a nice quiet rest area all on my own for about an hour. I am reading the latest Rockton novel so I appreciated the time to do that.

I am going to vote on Sunday at the Advance polls here in Sundridge for our Provincial Election on June 2. I listened to the debate of all four Leaders on the radio and was no further ahead in my decision but I shall make my X on the ballot and so be it.

We take the dogs every day down to the lake lot owned by Harry's cousin from close to Hamilton. The lot is vacant most often and a good place for us to go, and they like us to be checking on it as well. Yesterday morning as we drove in we were surprised to see the fifth wheel parked on the pad again and there were his two cousins Mike and Kevin bracing it up and balancing it ready for another summer . They remove the trailer each Winter and store it down south. Some of the family are coming up for the long weekend including their Mother Aunt Muriel ( one of Harry's Mother's younger sisters and one of only five remaining children of that huge family of 11) They invited us to visit again for the day on Sat but it is doubtful we will go, We now have to be careful if we take the dogs there that no others are camping as sometimes their friends also use the site in summer. 

Well another day arrives so I'll get another coffee and be on with it. But it is Friday, and a long weekend - good time to stay at home haha! Take care...❤👌

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