Friday, April 16, 2010

Be - Friday already

and I wonder where the week went? Harry has gone up to Kirkland Lake to be with his brother to drive up and down the streets picking up other's junk. He wanted an early start this morning and he must have been excited as he got up and left at 2:30 am - I made coffee and breakfast for him before he drove off - that would give them an early start at their trash hunting as he would get there about 6 am. You see, it is the annual trash week where people may deposit their unwanted items on the curb and others may pick up. Likely be there for a few days, which means I am holding the reins here at home including having to go to Mothers on my own. He loaded his van full of plants to give to his brother who built a little greenhouse especially to house these plants. It leaves a bit more space now in the two greenhouses we have here - I shall be tending to them for the next few days and with cold nights it means heaters and taping up, and with sunny days it means opening up and lots of watering.
I just made a lovely big lettuce salad for lunch which I intend to enjoy - I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning - haven't bothered with that for about 6 months as I knew I was gaining ever so consistently but nevertheless it was a shock to my system to see the actual weight. And eating all those cookies and cakes and candies etc I shouldn't be surprised but here goes at another attempt to keep things under control.
All the animals have mites in their ears - so I discovered after taking the old cat to the vet. I looked mites up on the internet and see a home cure using Bag Balm ointment which I purchased at the feed mill. I still have to take the old cat back to the vet on Wed morning for and I&D of hematoma in his ear lobe (caused from shaking his head because of the itching from mites) What a contagious, vicious circle but if I can get them through it I will be happy.
Anyway, hope you both enjoy a nice weekend... Take care.

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