Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Yes! We need the ritual of a holiday. Without those periodic reminders of life in the real world, I find that the days just blend together. We've planned a simple meal. David still doesn't seem to have any energy, and I'm trying to keep up with the work, although I seem a little sicker every day. I think I'm also fighting depression, --but I have so little energy that depression may be winning. That time of year, maybe? I have three sales this month, and went over my inventory yesterday. Didn't take long--I don't have much. Made me realize that I never received the promised cheque from the Costume Museum of Canada. Never will, I guess, now that they have officially gone "belly up". I put five pieces of my newer work in the gallery in Selkirk, and can't get them back until May 2nd--the last day of the big sale in Ft. Whyte. Now, in a normal world, I would be preparing for a frenzy of making, painting sewing, stitch, stitch stitch, but today my attitude seems to be "yeah--that's life. So what?". I think I should sit back, enjoy the children--young and old--and deal with life tomorrow. After all, I get to watch episode 2 of Sober House tonight--the follow-up series to Celebrity Rehab. I would hate to think that I would even consider believing that life doesn't get any better than that.
have a Happy Easter!

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