Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Enough is enough...

and so I have made an appointment to get my hair cut off for tomorrow at 0930. I have been struggling to keep it longer but washing and then putting up in curlers has finally got the better of me – I called this afternoon immediately after putting curlers in, yet again, and fortunately the hairdresser is easily accommodating!
Harry was to doctor this morning and things are not looking any better for his shoulder and pain – hence, much of the daily activities are mine alone. He bought a bread maker the other day in North Bay and yesterday I made whole wheat loaf, and today I made a raisin bread loaf. Monday it was 10 pounds of sausages. Tomorrow will be replanting seedlings after my hair is done. So you can see how excited I am to be going for a hair appointment – something for me. Surprise for me to go to Lottery store today and won $20.00 on Lotto Max so that was quickly turned into more tickets and hope the winning streak will take us all the way !!!!
So nice to hear all about your visit together on Monday – I went onto a Viscount web site and hope that I found the right one – is there a site address that you would suggest other than the search I made for Viscount Cultural Council? It gave very generic information and I guess I was looking for specifics eg the FAN gallery display that Patty set up, but maybe I am mistaken? But a nice surprise to go onto the Manitoba Artisans site and to see our very own Patricia Findlay as the featured artist – well done!!
Take care

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