Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More adventures

we've had a couple of busy days.  Sunday we went to see the movie Ghost Rider-Spirit of Vengeance.  I had been interested in the original Ghost Rider movie but never saw it.  I know that sequels are often terrible, but we actually had fun watching it.  Lots of explosions and violence and Nicholas Cage.  What more could we ask?  I was surprised to see Christopher ( or as it used to be Christophe) Lambert in a smaller supporting role.  Or maybe not.  Haven't heard much about him in years.  I like the way that comic books art is carried over into the movies, with special layouts and unusual camera angles.  Even the colour during special effects sequences  reflects the comic book origins of the story.

Then yesterday was shopping.  Tote, lift, carry--put it all away.  The exhaustion and time for a nap. Woke up and couldn't straighten my right pinkie finger.  What the h--l?!  Didn't hurt  No bruising, just couldn't straighten the distal joint.  Knowing what I'm doing on Saturday, I had David take me to Urgent Care, where, after 4 hours, they told me that I have a "Mallet Finger".  I have to keep it absolutely straight  for 6 weeks, with a little splint.  And to give you an idea, it has taken me almost 20 minutes to type this, because the splint keeps hitting the wrong keys.  I've tried holding a needle and don't believe it's going to cause any real problems on Saturday, but what a PITA! At the same time it made me think of Daddy and his deformed pinkie fingers.  He always said that it was from poking someone in the eye, but I never really believed him.

However, now I have an excuse to get my hair done today--as well as all the other jobs we didn't get done yesterday while I was lazing around at Misericordia.

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