Monday, February 8, 2021

Every day the almost the same

It's getting harder to tell the days apart.  Every morning I have to check the calendar for the date, when writing  my Morning Pages.  Thank Goodness I have my BuJo to keep me on track with my life. I had to start a new weekly section this morning.  Usually I have it all prepared by Sunday afternoon, for the following week, but not today. Since I start a new one every week, it's easy to make changes as I smooth out the rough bits, and find out what is really important enough to be given its own line, in the gridded section. This week's major adjustment was to accept the reality that I need two facing pages per week to get everything in.

We haven't left the house since  Friday morning, when we made a quick trip to the library, only stopping at Starbuck's on our way home.  Today, or maybe tomorrow, I have a prescription to pick up at Walmart.  I'll wait to see if there is a book waiting for me at the library before deciding which day, as I don't want to make any more trips outside than necessary.   Really though, we spend far too  much time just watching the bunnies at the bird feeder.

I was very apprehensive about the two hour Zoom meeting of my sketching group, yesterday.  Sketching remains my biggest challenge, and I'm still trying to decide if I want to accept the challenge or just give it up for ever. They had a lady posing for us, just head shots.  They set a specific time for each pose, starting with one minute, then another minute, a three minute and finally a 5 minute pose.  I gave up after the third pose, as I just couldn't sketch fast enough to accomplish anything.  Before the meeting, they had given us 5 pictures to use as prompts, if we needed them, and I spent the rest of the meeting working on one of those pictures.  I like it, even if they were disappointed that I didn't go further.

Last night we waited until after the Super Bowl, to watch a new drama that had been advertised. It is called "The Equalizer", and is loosely based on the same premise as that old tv show with the same name, that I watched religiously.  This old show involved a man who would even the score against bad guys who were adversely affecting an innocent "little" guy,  He often used a detailed and complex "con game' to accomplish the task.  This one does away with the con game and uses guns.  I'll watch it a few more times, just to see if it remains interesting.  More of this type of show, these days, is a 'soap opera', making it so complex that, if you don't see the first show, and then others in the right order, you loose track completely of what's going on and may as well just watch the news.

Well, David is now up, we've both had breakfast, the dishwasher is on, and it's time to watch The View, although with Trump still around that's a bit of a "soap opera" too.

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