Thursday, February 18, 2021

Water issues in Winter time...

My worst issue is to have water problems and believe me I have had a few but to have it occur on such a large scale and in winter must be terrible. But Winnipeg is also very prone to such problems. I cannot imagine semis going down your street Pati as you have problems just to navigate into your driveway and out with the snow and often cars parked. But then, it may provide some diversion to sit and watch out the window?

It is the snow that is a bother for me here and it seems to want to keep coming. The banks are so high you cannot see very well for traffic at intersections. The Village is responsible for local snow removal and clearance and have been doing a good job from my perspective over the last 5 or 6 years since they took over from third party contractors. The Highway going through the centre of the Village is still provincial responsibility so sometimes it is less than adequate shortly after a snow fall. I have hired a fellow to do our roof but so far he has not come with the daily dumps of snow. I have cleared the roofs off the outbuildings ( 2 greenhouses, three storage sheds, and the gazebo) but with accumulation of ice and so much snow I cannot manage the house roof. I have done it three times now with the rake but can only clear about 8 feet up from the eaves doing it that way. Oh how I wish good weather will come and it will all melt BUT, as I mentioned up above, perhaps i wish for more water problems haha! it is a vicious circle.

I am eating a toasted pork sandwich as i type this morning as Harry bought a pork roast the other day at the local Foodland. i enjoy pork and this roast was most delicious. but a lot to deal with so i am inventing different ways to use it up. I made a nice veg and pork stir fry for meal yesterday with rice and today i plan to make hot pork sandwich because there is gravy left..Maybe not too healthy for the body, but at this stage, I will take delicious and easy/handy over healthy haha!

So almost the end of Feb and we are still in lockdown here although other parts on Ontario had some restrictions lifted on Monday, There is an outbreak in North Bay and that scares me a bit to be so close. Not that we travel around anywhere often,but people have still been coming up to these parts from the "south" for wintersports. They closed the sled trails which had been a magnet for outsiders but still many come this way and utilize our stores etc.

On with the day. Hope all is well there. I enjoy reading about your workshops and projects Pati and the odd picture. And I cannot image your issue with your computer and gmail and how you must have had to bite your tongue working through that ( or not haha). And I am wondering Cathy how you are making out with Lucky during these frigid days - is he being a good doggy?

Take care and stay safe folks...

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