Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy St Valentine's Day to you folks

If it were only a bit warmer one might actually feel the love haha! So here is a kiss for you from me 💋

You folks are much colder than we are here but still it is not nice and i feel a chill right through my body. And heaven forbid I have to take the dogs outside...they run and lift their little paws and want back in the house real quick. me too!

I made pancakes for breakfast ( at Harry's request) but it was reciprocal in a way because the other day he brought home a bottle of Kahlua for me for Valentine's Day. I have yet to open it - it seems a shame to have to open it and spoil a brand new, full bottle. So I guess I shall look at it for a while until I break down. But once it is opened , it is basically gone. 

The two heaters in the big greenhouse are just holding the inside temperature to an acceptable level so as not to freeze the seedlings in there. I doubt that these little seeds will start to show signs of growth for awhile but I may be mistaken. 

I have been struggling with these budgies and through no fault of my own ( I think and hope), I am down to only one chick left and feeding it in its own cage q 4 hours. The mother was starting to attack the chicks so we had to remove them from the nesting cage in the big cage and segregate them. Nature has a mind of it's own and you sometimes have to wonder how any of us actually have got as far as we have against great adversity. Poor chicks - it breaks my heart to see them succumb. And in some silly way I feel a bit guilty in that I have not been able to keep them alive. So, I keep carrying on which is a good mantra to live by these days.

Still lots of medical appointments and treatments related to Harry's ongoing care but we are soon coming to the end of the eye drop regieme. Only a week left of two drops twice a day in the right eye as we have finished with the left eye already. Yeah!! Great improvement with the surgery for which I am grateful - I tried to claim the out of pocket costs that our OHIP would not cover through Harry's benefits but they were having nothing to do with it. Too bad.

Well, some wash is in and I have lots more to do so better go...perhaps I'll treat myself to another coffee and sit and think about you folks for a bit. That always makes me feel better. Take care...XX

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