Monday, April 5, 2021

Sounds Good

Cathy, did you not say you got the vaccine?  I would think that you would be eligible by way of your medical history rather than age.  So now there is a light at the end of the tunnel for us.  I've been reading about your lockdown, Beth.  We're still trying to be careful, but we admit to being grateful for the privilege of buying goods that may not be essential, such as underwear and socks. Still, one cannot try on clothing before buying it and most places offer exchange but not return.  At the same time, we worry about the current surge in Manitoba, and wonder if we shouldn't just hunker down, for a few weeks.  We now have the joy of being able to be outside.  I think you've mentioned that Cathy, that you were grateful for being able to walk around your property.  I went for a walk, for the first time in weeks, yesterday, but went a little further than I should have, forgetting that I had to make it home again, as well. But that may have been residue from the lengthy, exhausting and difficult walk I made at St. Vital Centre last Thursday.  I only finished that one with David's help and by resting at every chair I came to along the way.  They had taken away all of the benches along the hallways, but left single chairs at good intervals, and I made good use of every one of those, that I came to.  I use that trip as an example of how poor my judgement was after having that shot, and how incapacitated I'm becoming.  Not a pleasant thought.

My last bunch of books from the library contained a few that I've already read. I really miss being able to look at a book before taking it out. I've ordered that Steve Berry book that you mentioned, Beth, but had a hard time finding it, as the library has taken the time during Covid closures to replace most of their books with e-books.  The hard copy books are listed at the end, usually several screens down.  A bit of a PINTA, but--I'm finding that there can be pleasure in reading a book for  the second time.  This is a surprise to me.

I have no more workshops scheduled, although I'm on the waiting list for one that may be released the end of April.  The cost will determine whether I signup for that one. This leaves me free for anything, studio wise.  Not always a good thing for me, but I am slowly looking at Mark Making, as a future direction for my creativity.  I did a bit , as part of my Cloth to Codex workshop, and am liking the look of it, and find myself asking "what if?"  This is always a good indication of my subconscious working away.

Maybe it's time to take my subconscious downstairs and turn it loose.  Have a good day and stay safe. 

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