Monday, August 1, 2011

Be- Vacations in August

August is always a favourite time to take vacation - the weather is usually favourable, and there seems to be a disquieting mood in the air -maybe because Fall feels just around the corner, and people are in no rush to get there. Hope you have a good time off, and maybe you need to put some limits for others re: the visitation hours in order to get some "me" time? The gardens here are producing just the right amounts right now to keep up, but I am sure anytime soon, we'll be overrun and not able to find space or time to deal with it all. We have been lucky to have a neighbour on the next street with raspberry bushes and she has sold us many margarine containers full over the last two weeks (reasonable price too!) She called up again tonight at supper to say she had two more if I were interested.....and yes I was! Yummy. I made boiled beets for supper last night using that great recipe from Aunty Lorraine for sauce - something like harvard beets, but much much tastier. We brought another bag of beets home from Mothers today that I will boil and freeze - then as I want to use them, I can make the sauce to put on them at the time. Lots of freezing at Mothers today - beans, broccoli etc. Between my visit there on Saturday, and this morning, deer somehow mastered our fencing system, and ate the tops off all the pole beans, and the beets. And of course with no rain yet there is the constant need both there and at our own place to water, water, and water. Tomorrow we go to North Bay as is usual for a Tuesday, and will drop in on Mike as he is still at his place without word on a posting, and then in the afternoon make a visit to Uncle Walter at the Nursing home after doing a shopping for Mother and us. And so the week begins again - thank goodness I have my night bed time reading that helps to soothe the soul haha. Take care

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